Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence – Title IX

“There remains what seems like an impenetrable wall of silence around violence and we must all play a role in breaking this silence.” – Reese Witherspoon

bystander intervention

Topic: Bystander Intevervention

If Not You, Then Who?

This training will empower employees or students to address and prevent harassment and discrimination in the workplace. With the right tools and strategies, bystanders can intervene and stop inappropriate behavior before it rises to the level of unlawful harassment.

Title IX: Rights and responsibilities

A Guide to Title IX in K-12 or Higher Education

This training is intended for a wide audience and presumes no previous knowledge. The material is primarily centered around incidents involving students, but all of the material is transferrable to the employment context.

domestic violence

Domestic violence and the church

Partnering with Churches to Reach and Support Battered Christian Women

This training focuses on the unique relationship of the Church and battered Christian women. Participants will learn steps and strategies to help these women. Participants will walk away with tangible ways to support this precious group and their families.


Victims And Co-Occurring Disorders

Working with Victims with Multiple Vulnerabilities (PTSD, Trauma, Mental Illness, Substance Abuse)

This workshop will address how to work with victims of domestic and/or sexual violence, particularly those who have co-occurring disorders. Domestic and/or sexual violence often intersect with other disorders. The group will explore this intersection and learn effective strategies that can be implemented when working with these groups.

women of color

Sexual assault activism and women of color

#MeTooNotNew – The House of Activism that Black Women Built

The #MeToo movement is not as new as it may seem. This presentation will delve into the foundation that Black women laid for the modern rape crisis center. Some of this foundation stretches back to the days of slavery. The modern #MeToo movement, with its solidarity and ripple effect, came centuries too late to help so many Black women who desperately needed it and highlights painful biases that have plagued marginalized women of color for centuries.

rape culture

Campus Sexual assault

Ending Rape Culture on Campus

As a Title IX Coordinator in higher education, Mel facilitates an interactive workshop focused on ending sexual assault on college campuses. Rape culture exists when sexual violence becomes normalized and excused in society. Common characteristics of rape culture include objectification of women’s bodies, encouraged male sexual aggression against women, acceptance of physical or emotional abuse against women, and victim blaming. In this workshop, commonly held stereotypes and traits will be dismantled. Effective strategies to combat the culture will be introduced.

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